KISSES AND TEARS (2000 - 2004)

Cross And Bed
two rooms

Lower Room — Cross And Bed

There is a double wooden bed with neatly arranged bed sheet. Glass cross out spreads above the bed. We are not religious. Cross we borrowed and relocated into our nest. Bed where we slept, we transferred within the body, testimonies and feelings above all. We relocated also the cross into ourselves. We’ve been assembling the layers long and patiently, piling the one on the other, the glass clusters, the cracks, the sediments. They keep all the beauty of the fossils. Character of glass — fragility, sharpness, transparency, reflection.

We’ve rearranged everything the way we are the most comfortable with. The union is in the very cross — the intersection of vertical and horizontal. We are that intersection, you and me.

The cross was once an important guardian of a home, and still today in some traditional homes hangs over the matrimonial bed, while far ahead of Christianity, meant life in the its the only-two-moves. This cross is just ours. Earth and sky. What about the crucifixion? There is one bed and one cross out spreaded above the bed. What about immortality? Lots of water as transparent as glass, the light breaks through. Lots of red. Repeated through the glass layers. Inside color. Blood, life. It's still a neat and well-arranged world. It seems to be. The most part of it. I think I can orient myself. The stairs lead to the second level.

Upper Room — Bed Area

ruffled unorderable-unmasterable-inconceivable-unrealizable That is the that — dreamlike-level. Beautiful alluvion. Chain prevents entry, just in case, to keep the sensation at least a little longer. Along and across the entire room the area of ​​the bed spreads — the sheets are rippled, scattered. In them glass clusters, illuminated from the inside. The large surface leaves no room for walking, occupies all the space of the floor, from wall to wall, from end to end. The upper room slipped away the human dimensions and outgrown them, the pillow is as large as ten cushions, the bed area is as large as the ten bed areas. The order remained on the first level. Here is the rhythm of uncertain shapes, layers of glass accumulate asymmetrically; glass protrudes, enter and exit out from scattered bedding. Crumpled blankets, pillows that still retain the body imprints, sheets that remember, the glass that deposits. In the corners of the room there are two unusual concave shapes, hanging on the hooks. Illuminated with low light, at the edge of discern.

Križ i krevet
dvije sobe

Donja soba križ i krevet

Tu je bračni drveni krevet s uredno složenom posteljinom. Stakleni križ raskriljuje se iznad kreveta. Nismo religiozni. Križ smo posudili i preselili ga u naše malo gnijezdo. Krevet u kojem smo spavali, preselili smo unutar tijela, svjedočanstva i osjećaje prije svega. Preselili smo i križ u sebe. Slojeve smo dugo i strpljivo slagali, jedan na drugi, nakupine stakla, napukline, sedimenti. Zadržavaju svu ljepotu fosila. Karakter stakla — krhkost, oštrina, prozirnost, refleksija. Sve smo porazmještali onako kako nama najviše odgovara. Sjedinjenje je u samom križu — sjecište vertikale i horizontale. Mi smo to sjecište, ti i ja. Križ je nekad bio važan čuvar kuće, a i danas visi iznad bračnog kreveta u nekim tradicionalnim domovima, no još davno, davno prije kršćanstva, značio je život u ta svoja samo dva poteza. Ovaj je križ samo naš. Zemlja i nebo. Što ćemo s raspinjanjem? Postoji jedan krevet i jedan križ raskriljen nad krevetom. Što ćemo s besmrtnošću? Puno vode prozirne kao staklo, svjetlost se u njoj lomi. Puno crvene. Ponavlja se kroz slojeve stakla. Unutarnja boja. Krv, život. To je još uvijek uredan i uređen svijet. Čini se da je. Najvećim dijelom. Mislim da se mogu orijentirati. Stepenice vode na drugu razinu.

Gornja soba — površina kreveta

uzbibana neuredljiva-nesavladiva-nesaglediva-neobuhvatljiva to je ta — snu-nalik-razina. Lijepa naplavina. Lanac sprečava ulazak, za svaki slučaj, da se doživljaj zadrži barem još malo dulje. Uzduž i poprijeko, cijelom sobom prostire se površina kreveta — plahte namreškane, razbacane. U njima nakupine stakla, osvijetljene iznutra. Velika površina ne ostavlja mjesta hodanju, zauzima sav prostor poda, od zida do zida, s kraja na kraj. Gornja soba izmakla je ljudskim dimenzijama i nadrasla ih, jastuk je velik kao deset jastuka, površina kreveta velika je kao deset površina kreveta. Red smo ostavili u donjoj sobi. Ovdje vlada ritam nejasnih oblika, slojevi stakla nižu se asimetrično; izviruju, ulaze i izlaze iz razbacane posteljine. Zgužvani prekrivači, jastuci koji još zadržavaju otiske tijela, plahte koje još pamte, staklo koje se taloži. U kutevima prostorije na kukama vise dva neobična konkavna oblika, osvijetljena slabim svjetlom, na granici razabiranja.

Kisses And Tears

and how they turn from one into other

Kisses Red ~ Kisses Black

Kisses Red ~ Kisses Black/detail

Letters on Tears

Letters on Tears/detail

Kisses All Around

Kisses All Around/detail

Flying Tears

Flying Tears/detail

Kisses And Tears

Kisses And Tears/detail

Teared like paper

Teared like paper/detail

Tear us apart

Tear us apart / detail

They flow

watercolors ~ 170 x 70 cm




  1. Hello! This work is beautiful. I love the significance of a bed. I did a piece where I used a hospital bed and thought of the residue of a person.I enjoyed this work. It is very refreshing. I liked the nest made with human hair. I am inspired by nests. Have a look at my website
    Angela Molloy

  2. Prekrasno za gledati i za čitati... mnoge od ovih priča progone me i samu.. prožimanje i "končanje" svega što postoji (i ne postoji), nivoi svijesti, grebuckanje unutar sebe i sa sebe...

  3. Hvala Snježana, svi smo u istom loncu :) što više gledamo u sebe više vidimo i sebe i druge.

  4. "što više gledamo u sebe više vidimo i sebe i druge." i... suprotno, što sve više gledamo SEBE, to sve manje vidimo svijet i živa bića oko sebe...

    Kisses And Tears >> izvanredno!
